Nigerian Singer and Songwriter, Olawale Oloforo, popularly known as Brymo, on Friday, 21st July 2023, revealed via his tweeter handle that he turned down singer, Simi‘s request for a collaboration after she refused to have sex with him.

Singer, Brymo’s tweet

This revelation came when a fan in a tweet, told Adekunle Gold that Brymo should have been on his album, Brymo replied to the tweet stating that Adekunle Gold had once reached out to him about a collaboration that never materialized.

Singer, Brymo

In the same tweet, Brymo also stated that he once attempted to collaborate with Simi on the condition that they get intimate.

According to Brymo’s tweet, the intimacy was meant to lead to intensity.

Brymo’s tweet7

In another tweet, Brymo also stated that although he feels remorseful for demanding sex from Simi as a condition for collaboration, he claims his request was inspired by a desire to experience making music with a female artist he was bedding.

In a voice note attached to the tweet, Brymo stated that he backed off after seeing Simi and Adekunle Gold together.

He also reiterated that his intention wasn’t to demand sex but to have an experience.

Adekunle Gold, in response to Brymo’s tweet, cautioned the singer against disrespecting his wife and family while also admonishing him to seek help.

Singer, Adekunle Gold’s response to Brymo

Story: Hilda Katu

Media: brymOlawale/Twitter, adekunleGOLD/Twitter